Partner Spotlight – Lionfish Cyber Security Program

This month, we’re thrilled to spotlight the outstanding work of Jeremy Miller and the dedicated team at Lionfish Cyber Security. Our collaboration with Lionfish has significantly enhanced the student experience, while preparing our students for future careers in cybersecurity. Let’s dive into a Q&A session with Jeremey Miller, the CEO of Lionfish Cyber Security. For additional details about Lionfish Cyber Security, visit their website at

How has your partnership with TPI benefited students and schools?

At Lionfish, we’re committed to shaping a future where cybersecurity knowledge isn’t just an advantage—it’s a cornerstone of education. Through our partnership with TPI, we’re empowering students and schools with essential early IT and Cyber Security training certifications. This initiative is more than an educational opportunity; it’s a trifecta of empowerment offering school credit, college accreditation, and industry-recognized certificates. We’re not just educating, we’re equipping the next generation with the tools to secure our digital world.

What unique skills or expertise does your organization bring to our program?

Our dedication to cybersecurity goes beyond passion—it’s our lifeblood. Lionfish stands at the forefront of the industry, not just as participants, but as pioneers shaping the future of cybersecurity. We bring unparalleled opportunities for students to engage with the cybersecurity community, offering them a gateway to explore, interact, and learn from the vanguard of the digital defense. It’s an invitation to join a mission that secures our collective digital future.

Could you share a student success story related to our collaboration?

Indeed, a testament to our impactful collaboration comes two months shy of semester’s end, where one of our students has not only completed their coursework but also aced the certification exam. This achievement isn’t just a milestone; it’s a beacon of what’s possible when dedication meets opportunity. It exemplifies the essence of our mission: to foster a resilient and educated cybersecurity workforce ready to face tomorrow’s challenges.

How do you ensure alignment between your organization’s goals and our program’s objectives?

At the core of Lionfish’s mission is a profound commitment to national security and fostering a culture of service. Our alignment with your program is grounded in this shared vision. We endeavor to instill a love for service in students, inspiring them to contribute to our collective security and prosperity. It’s a partnership that transcends mere collaboration; it’s a united front to safeguard our country’s digital and physical future.

In what ways can our students engage with your industry or field through your program?

Our program is a conduit to the heart of the cybersecurity world. Students have unparalleled access to the industry’s pulse through visits to Data Centers, Cyber Security conferences, and academic institutions. This isn’t just engagement, it’s an immersive journey into the realms of digital defense, offering insights, experiences, and connections that forge the path to becoming cybersecurity vanguards.

What resources or tools does your organization provide to students in the TPI program?

Lionfish equips students with a comprehensive suite of tools designed for success, including video training, workbooks, quizzes, tests, labs, and live instruction. Our philosophy is clear: if a student faces challenges, it won’t be due to a lack of resources. We provide a robust foundation, ensuring that every learner has the support they need to excel and emerge victorious in their cybersecurity journey.

What industry certifications or credentials can students access in cybersecurity through our partnership?

Through our collaboration, students gain access to esteemed certifications like CompTIA A+, Net+, and Sec+, laying a solid foundation for a career in cybersecurity. These credentials are not just markers of achievement; they are keys to unlocking vast opportunities in the digital defense arena.

What trends or innovations are shaping your industry?

The digital landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, underscored by the urgent need for more cybersecurity professionals. With threats penetrating our critical infrastructure, the clarion call from CISA underscores our mission’s urgency. It’s a rallying cry for unity and action, to muster every resource in defense of our nation’s digital bastions.

What strategies do you use to engage students and encourage their participation?

Our engagement strategy is built on connectivity and interaction, with thrice-weekly live sessions that offer students direct access to industry insights, fostering an environment of learning, curiosity, and participation. It’s a proactive approach to building a community of cyber defenders, ready and equipped to tackle the challenges ahead.

How do you measure the impact of our partnership?

Success, for us, is measured by the tangible outcomes of our students—seeing them not only pass their courses but also earn their certifications. The CompTIA A+ certificate, for instance, is not just an accolade; it’s a foundational tool that empowers students throughout their lives in an increasingly digital world. Our partnership’s impact is seen in the competent, confident, and certified individuals ready to lead in cybersecurity.


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